<b>Mia's Karaoke Adventure</b>
One day Mia wanted to go the Karaoke. Hmmm, Mia thought to herself, what do I want to do? *pout pout pout*
Mia decides to...
[[Go to Karaoke->Mia's day at the Karaoke!]]
[[Just stay at home->Mia's boring day at home (where a fairy godmother visits her)]]
<b>Mia's day at the Karoke!</b>
Mia wanted to sing a few songs but she didn't know what to sing.
[[Mia decides to sing I'm a Barbie Girl->Mia sings I'm a Barbie Girl]]
[[Mia decides to sing Soulja Boy->Mia sings Soulja Boy]]
<b>Mia's boring day at home!</b>
Mia sees the amazing skyline of Saadiyat.
[[Mia decides to take a picture of the skyline -> Mia's phone adventure]]
[[Mia goes to see Craig cause she's bored. -> Mia's meeting with Craig]]
Mia has so much fun! Yay!
Mia sings soulja boy with Mateo dancing along. They eventually win Dancing with the Stars! :)
Mia's phone suddenly falls into a fish bowl. She is sad. :(
Craig decides to fail Mia...just joking...he gives her an A!